Mobile banking offers some of the same great features as internet banking, but they are easily accessible on your phone or tablet.
To access mobile banking, first download the BDC Mobile app on your phone or tablet. To enroll, open the app and click "Enroll Now" in the middle of the screen. You will be guided through the steps to enroll in mobile banking, and you will need account information to successfully enroll. If you have any issues with this process, please call (402) 755-2224.
Please note you will use the same login information for internet and mobile banking. You only need to enroll once to access both.
Download the App
bdc mobile app features
- View account balances
- View account transactions
- Deposit a check (limits apply*)
- Transfer between accounts
- Pay loan payments
- Pay bills with Bill Pay
- View check, withdrawal, and deposit images
- Pay people with Popmoney
Our mobile app allows you to deposit checks wherever you are. Read the instructions before depositing a check. To ensure the deposit will be successful, the check must be correctly endorsed. Do not immediately discard the check, make sure it is successfully deposited first.
Limits apply to mobile deposit. If you need to deposit a large check, please contact Bank of Dixon County.